Case Studies

Adler - Malfini Case

Malfini stands as a leading distributor of promotional clothing in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe. With a robust distribution network covering 35 European countries, their ambitious goal is to become the top distributor of promotional apparel across the continent.

Leveraging our experience from similar projects, we have crafted a bespoke solution that simplifies the processes of purchasing, marketing, and sales. Our foremost objective was to integrate these functions into a unified, comprehensive administrative platform.

TECH: The latest javascript frameworks were used to guarantee the application’s sca­lability in the future. We have used Node.js, mocha, sequelize for back-end, and React.js for front-end.

  • 30

    days from the assignment till finished product

  • 5

    monks working on the project

  • 4

    different frameworks

  • 2


Project Details

Collaborative Innovation for User-Friendly Software

In an era where efficiency and innovation are paramount, our collaborative efforts with the client have culminated in the development of a sophisticated software solution that epitomizes user-friendliness. This software stands out for its remarkable capacity to conserve time for Adler's staff by automating various operational workflows. The essence of this innovation lies not just in its technological prowess but in its ability to seamlessly blend into the daily routines of its users, thereby enhancing productivity and streamlining tasks.

Meticulous Design Driven by User Behavior

The genesis of this software can be traced back to an exhaustive analysis of workflows and user behaviors. This in-depth scrutiny was instrumental in furnishing our team of UX designers with immediate, actionable insights during the prototyping phase. Such a meticulous approach ensured that the application we envisioned was perfectly attuned to the actual needs and workflow patterns of its intended users. It was a harmonious marriage of form and function, designed from the ground up to cater to the specific requirements of our client's operational dynamics.

Accelerated Development Through Proactive Feedback

When it came to the prototype of the application, it was a treasure trove of vital information right from the outset. This comprehensive foundation of essential data proved to be a catalyst in expediting both front-end and back-end development phases. With this rich repository of information at their disposal, our developers were able to efficiently chart out the application’s architecture, streamline data flows, and optimize development environment settings with unparalleled speed and precision. This not only ensured a smooth development trajectory but also significantly shortened the time-to-market for the software. The role of proactive feedback in this journey cannot be overstated. Maintaining open lines of communication throughout the project was a key factor in its success. The constructive feedback received during various stages of development was invaluable, acting as a catalyst that propelled the project forward at an accelerated pace. This culture of open dialogue and continuous improvement enabled us to complete the application within an impressively short timeframe, all while upholding the highest standards of quality.

In sum, this project stands as a testament to the power of smart solutions, detailed analytical processes, and the pivotal role of effective communication in software development. It underscores our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations, reinforcing our position at the forefront of technological innovation and customer satisfaction.


"When it came to the prototype of the application, it was a treasure trove of vital information right from the outset. This comprehensive foundation of essential data proved to be a catalyst in expediting both front-end and back-end development phases. With this rich repository of information at their disposal, our developers were able to efficiently chart out the application’s architecture, streamline data flows, and optimize development environment settings with unparalleled speed and precision. This not only ensured a smooth development trajectory but also significantly shortened the time-to-market for the software. The role of proactive feedback in this journey cannot be overstated. Maintaining open lines of communication throughout the project was a key factor in its success. The constructive feedback received during various stages of development was invaluable, acting as a catalyst that propelled the project forward at an accelerated pace. This culture of open dialogue and continuous improvement enabled us to complete the application within an impressively short timeframe, all while upholding the highest standards of quality."

-- Karel Ploc, Developer at TopMonks


Node.js framework
React JS library
Mocha testing frameworkimage/svg+xmlMocha Logo08-21-2015Dick DeLeon <>CC BY-SA 4.0mochamochajsChristopher Hiller <>
image/svg+xmlArtboard 14Sequelize ORM for Node.js