

Topmonks partnered with the Czech gaming clan BRUTE sponsored by the SEMTEX REPUBLIC (KOFOLA GROUP) to help engage their fanbase. The idea was to create an online merch store where customers can pay with a custom BRUTE token. Users can obtain these tokens only by completing quests.

Introduction - Design of the Platform and Usability Tests

E-commerce Solution

  • We decided to theme the whole concept as an in-game store, which is familiar to the target group of game fans. It required having a heavily customizable e-commerce platform.
  • Moreover, the platform needed to implement custom payment processing. The ideal platform for this use case appeared to be the
  • With Swell sitting in the back as a headless e-commerce platform, we implemented the frontend on Next.js as a combination of the statically generated pages and server-side rendered content. It enabled us to be SEO compliant with the in-game dynamic feel of the app.
Introduction - Design of the Platform and Usability Tests

Blockchain Solution

We choosed the Polygon network for the issuance of the BRUTE token because of the low fees and speed of new blocks. For the deployment of the contract, we used Truffle. Once the token contract was live on the network, we set up the executive members of the BRUTE clan as admins, so they can issue tokens and reward their creative fans.

The app is now live on 👉

Go check it yourself, complete any quest, earn BRUTE tokens and spend them for the lovely Peacekeeper Katana.

Used Technologies
