Our Services

Pricing projects implementation & consultancy pictogram

Pricing projects implementation & consultancy

We have been implementing and maintaining pricing projects worldwide since 2011.

Our pricing consultants are 100% certified in Pricefx, company which we proudly co-founded.

Startup Studio

Startup Studio

We can be your technical partner on your startup in exchange for sweat equity.

If you can sell, we can deliver the working app and subsequently join your project as an internal workforce.

Take a peek at studio.topmonks.com if you're hooked.

Pricefx logo
Hookamonk logo
Emmy logo
Om logo
PostCube logo
Go Real Travel logo
Bouncepilot logo
Purposefly logo
Lafluence logo
Technical Team Lease

Technical Team Lease

Our teams of programmers are ready for your projects. We are flexible with the onsite presence.

We offer focused, skilled, and highly-coordinated software development teams ready to tackle any task. Our teams are made up of generalists who oversee the big picture and architecture, and specialists who provide deep expertise.

Our backend technologies primarily include Java/Kotlin, Spring, Node.js, Serverless (AWS Lambda, GCP Firebase), Postgres, and others.

Our frontend technologies mainly consist of Javascript, Typescript, React, PWA, and others.

All team members are proficient in current tools such as git, Docker, ElasticSearch, Kibana, cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure), IDEs, build tools (Gradle, Maven, Node.js package managers), CI servers and CI pipeline configuration, issue trackers, logs, monitoring tools, and services.

Web scraping

Web scraping

Mining and further processing of publicly available web data is our joy.

Be it data from social networks, competition prices or ongoing monitoring of changes on stock market, we can scrape almost anything for further usage by your existing apps.

We are partnering with Apify and rely heavily on their platform.

Data Science and Visualisation

Data Science and Visualisation

Our team of data engineers can help you to design a data lake, ETL process accompanies and provide regular actionable data insights. We can help you with the transformation to fully data driven company.

We prefer to use Keboola and GoodData.

Plugins development

Plugins development

We love to work on existing platforms and come up with new functionality through plugin development. We specialize on Shoptet and Shopify.

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